Difference Between Module and Package in Python

Demystify the differences between Python modules and packages. Our comprehensive guide explains their distinctions, structure, and usage in Python programming
Edtoks2:42 min read

In Python, both modules and packages are organizational units that help you structure and manage your code. However, they serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics:


  1. Definition: A module is a single Python file that contains Python code, including variables, functions, and classes.

  2. Purpose: Modules are used to organize code within a single file. They allow you to group related code together for better maintainability and reusability.

  3. Usage: You can create and use modules by simply creating a .py file and placing your Python code inside it. To use code from a module, you import it using the import statement.

    # Example of importing a module
    import my_module
  4. Accessing Elements: You can access the functions, variables, and classes defined in a module using dot notation, such as my_module.my_function().


  1. Definition: A package is a directory (folder) that contains multiple Python modules and a special file named __init__.py. The __init__.py file is executed when the package is imported and can be empty or contain package-level initialization code.

  2. Purpose: Packages are used to organize and group related modules together in a hierarchical manner. They are particularly useful for organizing larger projects with many modules.

  3. Usage: To create a package, you create a directory and place one or more Python module files inside it. The directory must also contain an __init__.py file to be recognized as a package. You can then import modules from the package using dot notation.

    # Example of importing a module from a package
    from my_package import my_module
  4. Accessing Elements: You can access elements from modules within a package using dot notation, similar to modules. For example, my_package.my_module.my_function().

Key Differences:

  • Modules are single Python files, while packages are directories containing multiple modules and an __init__.py file.

  • Modules are typically used for smaller-scale code organization, while packages are used for larger projects with more complex organization needs.

  • Modules are imported using the import statement, while packages are imported in a similar way, but you specify the module within the package.

  • Modules can be created simply by creating a .py file, while packages require a directory structure and an __init__.py file to be recognized as packages.

In summary, modules and packages both play important roles in organizing and structuring Python code. Modules are more basic units used for code organization within a single file, while packages are used for grouping related modules in a directory structure, making them suitable for larger and more complex projects.


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