
Posts (page 1 of 5)

Getting Started with Go Programming

Begin your journey in Go programming with our step-by-step Hello World tutorial. Our comprehensive guide covers Go syntax and writing your first program.

by Edtoks

Install golang on Linux/Ubuntu, MacOS and Windows

This article provides steps to install golang on Linux/Ubuntu, MacOS and Windows and set up environment.

by Edtoks

An Introduction to the Go Programming Language

An introduction to the Go programming language includes Go evaluation history, Go features, Go ecosystem and community and Go for modern development.

by Edtoks

Go Data Types

Explore the intricacies of Go data types with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to effectively use and manipulate data in Go programming

by Edtoks

GoLang Fundamentals

Discover GoLang fundamentals effortlessly. Master syntax, data types, and concurrency in this concise guide. Elevate your coding skills now!

by Edtoks

Type Conversion and Type Inference in Go

Unlock the secrets of efficient coding in Go on type conversion and inference. Learn how to seamlessly manage data types and enhance your Go programming skills.

by Edtoks

Golang Control Flow

Demystify control flow in Go with our comprehensive guide. Master loops, conditionals, and switch statements to enhance your Go programming skills.

by Edtoks

Go Variables and Constants

Empower your Go programming journey by mastering variables and constants. Explore best practices, and efficient usage, and unleash the full potential of Go

by Edtoks

Go Operators

Master the art of Go programming with an exploration of Go operators. Learn how to optimize your code using arithmetic, comparison, and logical operators

by Edtoks

Go Functions

Dive into the world of Go functions with our comprehensive guide. Learn the ins and outs of function declaration, parameters, return values, and best practices.

by Edtoks

Arrays, Slices, Maps and Structs in Go

Explore the power of Go with our comprehensive guide on Arrays, Slices, Maps, and Structs. Learn effective data handling and boost your Go programming skills.

by Edtoks

The Difference between Array and Slice in Go

Discover how arrays and slices vary fundamentally to help you navigate the subtleties of Go programming.Enhance your coding expertise with this insightful guide

by Edtoks

The Difference between new and make in Go

Demystify Go programming by understanding the distinctions between 'new' and 'make'. Learn when and how to use each effectively for optimal code efficiency.

by Edtoks

Go Pointers

Unlock the potential of Go programming with our in-depth exploration of pointers. Master the art of memory management and efficient data manipulation in Go.

by Edtoks

Go Strings

Learn string manipulation, handling, and optimization techniques to enhance your coding skills. Elevate your Go programming expertise today.

by Edtoks

strings Package in Go

Optimize your Go programming with insights into the strings package. Learn efficient string manipulation and processing techniques.

by Edtoks

Go Packages

Develop your Go skills by learning about the principles of Go packages and how to create and install custom Go packages.

by Edtoks

Go Modules

Streamline your Go development with our guide on Go Modules. Learn effective dependency management and boost project scalability. Dive into Go Modules now!

by Edtoks

Go Modules vs Packages

Navigate the intricacies of Go programming by understanding the distinctions between modules and packages. Optimize your project structure with clarity

by Edtoks

Why don't Golang has classes?

This article explains why Go does not allow classes, a feature that most object-oriented programming languages do.

by Edtoks