strings Package in Go

Optimize your Go programming with insights into the strings package. Learn efficient string manipulation and processing techniques.
Edtoks9:48 min read

The strings package in Go provides a rich set of functions for manipulating and working with strings. Whether you're a beginner looking to perform basic string operations or an expert aiming for advanced string manipulation, the strings package has you covered. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the functionalities of the strings package at different levels of complexity.

Concatenation with Join

package main
import (

func main() {
// Beginner Example 1: Concatenation with Join
words := []string{"Hello", "Go", "Strings"}
result := strings.Join(words, " ")
  • The Join function is used to concatenate elements of a string slice into a single string.

  • In this example, the words "Hello," "Go," and "Strings" are joined with a space as the separator.

Checking Prefix and Suffix with HasPrefix and HasSuffix

package main

import (

func main() {
// Beginner Example 2: Checking Prefix and Suffix
text := "Go is powerful"
isPrefix := strings.HasPrefix(text, "Go")
isSuffix := strings.HasSuffix(text, "powerful")

fmt.Println("Has Prefix 'Go':", isPrefix)

fmt.Println("Has Suffix 'powerful':", isSuffix)

  • The HasPrefix function checks if a given string has a specified prefix.

  • The HasSuffix function checks if a given string has a specified suffix.

  • In this example, we check if the string "Go is powerful" has the prefix "Go" and the suffix "powerful."

Counting Occurrences with Count

package main

import (

func main() {
// Medium Example 3: Counting Occurrences with Count
text := "Go is expressive, concise, clean, and efficient"
count := strings.Count(text, "e")

fmt.Printf("Count of 'e' in the text: %d\n", count)

  • The Count function counts the number of non-overlapping instances of a substring in a given string.

  • In this example, we count the occurrences of the letter "e" in the provided text.

Replacing Substrings with Replace

package main

import (

func main() {
// Medium Example 4: Replacing Substrings with Replace
text := "Go is an open-source programming language"
newText := strings.Replace(text, "Go", "Golang", -1)

fmt.Println("Original Text:", text)

fmt.Println("Text after replacement:", newText)

  • The Replace function replaces occurrences of a specified substring with another string.

  • In this example, we replace instances of "Go" with "Golang" in the provided text.

Splitting Strings with Split

package main

import (

func main() {
// Expert Example 5: Splitting Strings with Split
text := "Go,Python,Java,Rust,C++"
languages := strings.Split(text, ",")

fmt.Printf("Languages: %v\n", languages)

  • The Split function splits a string into substrings based on a specified delimiter.

  • In this example, we split a string containing multiple programming languages separated by commas into a slice of strings.

Padding Strings with Repeat

package main

import (

func main() {
// Expert Example 7: Padding Strings with Repeat
word := "Go"
paddedWord := strings.Repeat(word, 3)

fmt.Printf("Original Word: %s\n", word)

fmt.Printf("Padded Word: %s\n", paddedWord)

  • The Repeat function returns a new string consisting of repeated copies of the input string.

  • In this example, we repeat the word "Go" three times, effectively padding the string.

Splitting into Words with Fields

The Fields function splits a string into substrings based on white spaces.

package main

import (

func main() {
text := "Go is a statically typed language"
words := strings.Fields(text)

fmt.Printf("Words: %v\n", words)

  • The Fields function is particularly useful when you want to extract individual words from a sentence or paragraph.

Checking substring withContains

The Contains function in the strings package in Go is used to check whether a given string contains a specified substring. It returns a boolean value indicating whether the substring is present in the original string or not. Here's an example:

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Example: Using Contains
	text := "Go is a powerful programming language"
	substring1 := "powerful"
	substring2 := "Python"

	contains1 := strings.Contains(text, substring1)
	contains2 := strings.Contains(text, substring2)

	fmt.Printf("Does the text contain '%s'? %v\n", substring1, contains1)
	fmt.Printf("Does the text contain '%s'? %v\n", substring2, contains2)
  • The Contains function takes two arguments: the original string (text) and the substring to check for (substring1 and substring2 in this example).

  • It returns true if the substring is found in the original string and false otherwise.

Trimming Characters with Trim

The Trim function removes specified leading and trailing characters from a string.

package main

import (

func main() {
text := "Go"
trimmed := strings.Trim(text, "*")

fmt.Printf("Original Text: %s\n", text)

fmt.Printf("Trimmed Text: %s\n", trimmed)

  • The Trim function is handy for cleaning up strings by removing unwanted characters from the beginning and end.

Custom Word Splitting with FieldsFunc

The FieldsFunc function splits a string into substrings based on a custom-defined function.

package main

import (

func main() {
text := "Go-Language"
words := strings.FieldsFunc(text, func(r rune) bool {
return unicode.Is(unicode.Hyphen, r)

fmt.Printf("Words: %v\n", words)

  • FieldsFunc allows you to define a custom function to determine where to split the string into fields.

Finding Substring Index with Index

The Index function returns the index of the first occurrence of a substring in a given string.

package main

import (

func main() {
text := "Go is awesome"
index := strings.Index(text, "awesome")

fmt.Printf("Substring 'awesome' found at index: %d\n", index)

  • Index is useful for finding the position of a substring within a string.

Replacing Characters with Map

The Map function applies a mapping function to each rune in the string and returns a new string.

package main

import (

func main() {
text := "go programming"
uppercased := strings.Map(unicode.ToUpper, text)

fmt.Printf("Original Text: %s\n", text)

fmt.Printf("Uppercased Text: %s\n", uppercased)

  • Map is a powerful function for transforming each character in a string based on a mapping function.

SplitAfter - Splitting After a Separator with SplitAfter

The SplitAfter function splits a string after each occurrence of a specified separator.

package main

import (

func main() {
text := "Go,Python,Java,Rust"
languages := strings.SplitAfter(text, ",")

fmt.Printf("Languages: %v\n", languages)

  • SplitAfter is similar to Split, but it includes the separator in the resulting substrings.

Creating a Custom Replacer with NewReplacer

The NewReplacer function creates a custom Replacer for replacing multiple strings in one pass.

package main

import (

func main() {
text := "Replace me, please."
replacer := strings.NewReplacer("Replace", "Modify", "please", "now")
modified := replacer.Replace(text)

fmt.Printf("Original Text: %s\n", text)

fmt.Printf("Modified Text: %s\n", modified)

  • NewReplacer is useful when you need to perform multiple replacements efficiently.

Title-casing Words with Title

The Title function returns a copy of the input string with the first letter of each word capitalized.

package main

import (

func main() {
text := "go programming language"
titleCase := strings.Title(text)

fmt.Printf("Original Text: %s\n", text)

fmt.Printf("Title-cased Text: %s\n", titleCase)

  • Title is great for converting strings to title case, where the first letter of each word is capitalized.

Converting to Title Case with ToTitle

The ToTitle function returns a copy of the input string with all Unicode letters mapped to their title case.

package main

import (

func main() {
text := "go programming language"
titleCase := strings.ToTitle(text)

fmt.Printf("Original Text: %s\n", text)

fmt.Printf("Title-cased Text: %s\n", titleCase)

  • ToTitle is similar to Title but applies title casing to all Unicode letters.

Lexicographical Comparison with Compare

The Compare function compares two strings lexicographically and returns an integer indicating their relationship.

package main

import (

func main() {
str1 := "apple"
str2 := "banana"
result := strings.Compare(str1, str2)

fmt.Printf("Comparison Result: %d\n", result)

  • Compare returns a negative value if the first string is lexicographically less than the second, zero if they are equal, and a positive value if the first string is lexicographically greater than the second.


The strings package in Go is a powerful tool for working with strings at various levels of complexity. From basic operations like concatenation to more advanced tasks like string splitting and title-casing, the package provides a wide range of functions to handle diverse string manipulation requirements. As you advance in your Go programming journey, mastering the functionalities offered by the strings package will become an invaluable skill.


There are many more functions supported by strings package in Go. Refer Go strings package for more details.

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