Unix/Linux Process Management Commands: ps, top, kill, pkill

Master process management in Unix. Our comprehensive guide covers commands like ps, top, kill, and practical examples for efficient process monitoring and control in Unix
Edtoks3:21 min read

Process management is a crucial aspect of Unix-like operating systems. It involves viewing, monitoring, and controlling processes running on the system. Here are detailed explanations and examples of key process management commands:

1. ps (Viewing Processes):

The ps command is used to display information about currently running processes. It provides a snapshot of active processes and their attributes, such as process ID (PID), CPU usage, memory usage, and more.

Basic Syntax:

ps [options]


To display a list of your own processes:


 To display detailed information about all processes:

ps aux

To filter processes by a specific user (e.g., user "john"):

ps -u john

2. top and htop (Monitoring System Resources):

top and htop are interactive commands used to monitor system resources, including CPU usage, memory usage, running processes, and more. htop is an enhanced version of top with a more user-friendly interface.

Basic Syntax:

To run top: Simply type top in the terminal.

To run htop: Install it if not already installed and then run htop.


Launching top or htop will display an interactive real-time view of system resource usage, sorted by various criteria. You can navigate through the process list and see CPU and memory usage in real-time.

Use keyboard shortcuts within top or htop to sort, filter, and interact with processes. For instance, pressing "k" allows you to kill a process.

3. kill (Terminating Processes):

The kill command is used to terminate processes. It sends signals to processes, allowing you to gracefully shut down or forcefully terminate them.

Basic Syntax:

kill [options] PID


To gracefully terminate a process (e.g., process with PID 1234):

kill 1234

To forcefully terminate a process:

kill -9 5678

To send a specific signal (e.g., SIGTERM) to a process:

kill -15 7890

4. pkill (Terminating Processes by Name):

The pkill command is used to send signals to processes based on their names, making it easier to terminate multiple processes at once.

Basic Syntax:

pkill [options] process_name


To terminate all processes named "myprocess":

pkill myprocess

To send a specific signal (e.g., SIGINT) to processes with names containing "app":

pkill -2 app

 5. killall (Terminating Processes by Name):

The killall command is similar to pkill and is used to terminate processes by name.

Basic Syntax:

killall [options] process_name


To terminate all processes named "myapp":

killall myapp

To send a specific signal (e.g., SIGKILL) to processes with names containing "service":

killall -9 service

Process management commands are essential for monitoring system resource usage, troubleshooting issues, and ensuring the stability and performance of a Unix-based system. Be cautious when using commands like kill, as terminating processes can impact system functionality and data integrity. Always use them with care and consideration for the consequences.

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