Why don't Golang has classes?

This article explains why Go does not allow classes, a feature that most object-oriented programming languages do.
Edtoks1:53 min read

Go (Golang) intentionally avoids using traditional class-based object-oriented programming (OOP) constructs found in languages like Java or C++. Instead, Go adopts a simpler and more composition-oriented approach. There are several reasons for this design choice:

  1. Simplicity: Go's primary design goal is simplicity. The language creators aimed to keep the language simple, easy to learn, and concise. By avoiding the complexity of classes, inheritance, and related concepts, Go reduces the cognitive load on developers.

  2. Composition over Inheritance: Go promotes composition over inheritance. Instead of relying on class hierarchies, Go encourages developers to create types by composing smaller, more focused types together. This approach provides flexibility and avoids some of the pitfalls associated with deep inheritance hierarchies.

  3. Interfaces: Go places a significant emphasis on interfaces. Interfaces define behavior rather than data, allowing types to implicitly satisfy interfaces based on the methods they implement. This approach enables polymorphism without the need for explicit type hierarchies.

  4. Structs and Methods: Go uses structs and methods for encapsulation and behavior. While not explicitly labeled as classes, structs can have methods associated with them, providing a way to encapsulate data and behavior in a manner similar to traditional classes.

  5. No Implicit Inheritance: Go avoids implicit inheritance, where methods and fields of a base class are automatically inherited by derived classes. This helps to reduce unexpected behaviors and promotes explicitness in code.

  6. Conciseness: Go values conciseness in code. The absence of classes and the focus on composition contribute to a more concise and readable codebase. Developers often find it easier to understand and maintain code in Go due to its explicit and straightforward nature.

While Go lacks traditional classes, it provides other features that support object-oriented programming principles. Structs, methods, interfaces, and composition offer a flexible and expressive way to model and organize code without the need for the complexities associated with class-based OOP. Go's design choices have proven effective for building scalable, maintainable, and efficient software, particularly in the realm of concurrent and distributed systems.

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