Series: Docker Compose Tutorial

core concepts of docker compose

Learn the core concepts of Docker Compose. Our guide provides insights, examples, and practical explanations for a comprehensive understanding of Docker Compose in containerization
Edtoks5:23 min read

1. Introduction

In the previous chapter, we gained a comprehensive understanding of the need for Docker Compose in managing multi-container applications. Now, we dive into the core concepts that form the foundation of Docker Compose. These concepts, encapsulated in the Docker Compose YAML file, define the structure and behavior of the entire application stack. Let's explore each core concept in detail to grasp how they contribute to the seamless orchestration of containers.

2. Docker Compose YAML File

2.1 Overview

At the heart of Docker Compose is the Docker Compose YAML file. This file serves as the declarative blueprint for the entire application stack, encapsulating the configuration details needed to define services, networks, volumes, and other aspects of container orchestration.

2.2 Structure of Docker Compose YAML

The structure of the Docker Compose YAML file is straightforward yet powerful. It consists of sections for services, networks, volumes, and other configurations. Each section uses indentation to define individual components and their respective settings.

version: '3'
    image: nginx:latest
      - "80:80"
    image: mysql:latest

In this example, we define two services (web and database), a custom network (my_network), and a volume (my_volume). The Docker Compose file provides a structured and readable way to express the desired state of the entire application.

3. Services

3.1 Overview

Services in Docker Compose represent the building blocks of the application. Each service encapsulates an individual container and defines its configuration, dependencies, and behavior. Services are the fundamental units that work together to compose the entire application.

3.2 Service Definition

The definition of a service includes several key parameters:

  • Image: Specifies the base image for the service, indicating the container image that will be used to run the service. For example, image: nginx:latest.

  • Ports: Defines the ports to expose on the host machine and the corresponding ports inside the container. This facilitates external access to the services.

  • Environment Variables: Allows the specification of environment variables for the service. These variables can influence the behavior of the containerized application.

  • Dependencies: Specifies dependencies between services, ensuring that certain services start only after others have successfully started.

3.3 Example Service Definition

    image: nginx:latest
      - "80:80"
    image: mysql:latest

In this example, two services (web and database) are defined. The web service uses the Nginx image, exposes port 80, and sets an environment variable. The database service uses the MySQL image, sets the root password, and can be linked to the web service.

4. Networks

4.1 Overview

Networks in Docker Compose facilitate communication between services. A network is a named bridge network that allows containers connected to the same network to communicate with each other. Networks play a crucial role in ensuring that containers within an application can interact seamlessly.

4.2 Creating Custom Networks

Docker Compose allows the creation of custom networks, providing isolation and control over how services communicate. Each network is given a name, and services can be connected to specific networks to define the communication channels.


In this example, two custom networks (frontend and backend) are defined. Services can be connected to these networks to control the flow of communication between them.

4.3 Connecting Services to Networks

Service definitions include a networks parameter that specifies which networks the service should be connected to. This parameter allows fine-grained control over the communication channels between services.

      - frontend
      - backend

In this example, the web service is connected to both the frontend and backend networks, enabling it to communicate with services connected to these networks.

5. Volumes

5.1 Overview

Volumes in Docker Compose provide a mechanism for persisting data generated by containers. Volumes ensure that important data, such as databases, logs, or user uploads, persists even if the containers are stopped or removed.

5.2 Defining Volumes

The volumes section in the Docker Compose file is used to define volumes. Each volume is given a name, and services can reference these volumes to store and retrieve data.


In this example, a volume named data_volume is defined. This volume can be referenced by services to handle data persistence.

5.3 Mounting Volumes in Services

Service definitions include a volumes parameter that specifies how volumes should be mounted inside the container. This parameter allows services to use volumes for data storage and sharing.

      - data_volume:/app/data

In this example, the web service mounts the data_volume volume to the /app/data directory inside the container. This enables the service to read from and write to the volume.

6. Conclusion

In this chapter, we've delved into the core concepts of Docker Compose, understanding the role of the Docker Compose YAML file, services, networks, and volumes. These concepts provide the essential building blocks for orchestrating multi-container applications. As we proceed through this guide, we'll explore practical examples, advanced techniques, and best practices to empower you in leveraging Docker Compose for efficient and scalable container orchestration. Whether you're a beginner seeking a solid foundation or an experienced developer looking to enhance your skills, the insights from this chapter set the stage for a deeper exploration of Docker Compose's capabilities.