Advanced Shell Scripting in Unix/Linux

Unlock the power of advanced shell programming. Our guide delves into complex Unix/Linux scripting, covering advanced concepts, automation, and practical examples
Edtoks6:49 min read

Advanced shell programming involves more complex scripting and the use of various programming constructs to solve more sophisticated tasks. Below, we'll cover some advanced shell programming topics with detailed explanations and examples using the Bash shell.

1. Conditional Statements (if-elif-else):

Conditional statements allow you to make decisions based on conditions. You can use if, elif (else if), and else to create branching logic in your scripts.



read -p "Enter a number: " num

if [ "$num" -gt 0 ]; then
    echo "The number is positive."
elif [ "$num" -lt 0 ]; then
    echo "The number is negative."
    echo "The number is zero."

2. Arrays:

Bash supports arrays, which allow you to store multiple values in a single variable. You can access elements of an array using indexes.



fruits=("apple" "banana" "cherry")

# Accessing elements
echo "First fruit: ${fruits[0]}"
echo "Second fruit: ${fruits[1]}"

# Looping through an array
for fruit in "${fruits[@]}"; do
    echo "Fruit: $fruit"

3. Functions with Parameters:

Functions in shell scripts can take parameters, making them more versatile. You can pass arguments to functions when calling them.



greet() {
    local name="$1"  # Get the first argument
    echo "Hello, $name!"

greet "Alice"
greet "Bob"

4. Error Handling:

You can use conditional statements to handle errors gracefully by checking the exit status of commands and performing actions accordingly.



rm non_existent_file.txt

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "File deleted successfully."
    echo "Error: File not found or unable to delete."

5. String Manipulation:

Shell scripts can manipulate strings using various operators and commands like sed, awk, and cut.



string="Hello, World!"

# Extract substring
substring="${string:7:5}"  # Start at position 7 and take 5 characters
echo "Substring: $substring"

# Replace text
echo "Modified String: $new_string"

6. File Handling:

You can work with files in shell scripts by reading, writing, and processing their contents. Common commands include cat, grep, and sed.



# Read a file and print its contents
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
    echo "File Contents:"
    cat "$file"
    echo "File not found."

7. Advanced Looping (for, while, and until):

In addition to basic loops, you can create more advanced loops using for, while, and until constructs, along with conditional statements.

Loop with break:

The break statement is used to exit a loop prematurely based on a condition. It is commonly used to terminate a loop when a certain condition is met.



# Search for a specific file and exit when found

for file in $(ls); do
    if [ "$file" == "$search_file" ]; then
        echo "File '$search_file' found."
        break  # Exit the loop

if [ "$found" == false ]; then
    echo "File '$search_file' not found."

In this example, the loop searches for a specific file, and when it finds the file, it sets the found variable to true and exits the loop using break.

Loop with continue:

The continue statement is used to skip the current iteration of a loop and move to the next iteration. It allows you to continue processing remaining items in the loop.



# Skip even numbers and print only odd numbers
for num in {1..10}; do
    if [ $((num % 2)) -eq 0 ]; then
        continue  # Skip even numbers
    echo "Odd number: $num"

In this example, the loop iterates through numbers from 1 to 10. When an even number is encountered, the continue statement skips it, and only odd numbers are printed.

These break and continue statements provide fine-grained control over the flow of your scripts and are essential for more advanced scripting tasks where you need to handle specific conditions or skip certain iterations of a loop.

8. Command Substitution:

You can capture the output of a command and assign it to a variable using command substitution.



# Get the current date and store it in a variable
current_date=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
echo "Current Date and Time: $current_date"

9. Special Postional Paramaters

Shell special positional parameters are variables that hold information about the current script, its arguments, and the most recent command's exit status. Here are some of the commonly used special positional parameters in Unix-like shells like Bash, along with detailed explanations and examples:

9.1 $0 - Script Name:

$0 stores the name of the currently executing script or shell.


# Inside a script named ""
echo "Script name: $0"

9.2 $# - Number of Arguments:

$# holds the number of arguments (parameters) passed to the script or function.


# If the script is run as ./ arg1 arg2 arg3
echo "Number of arguments: $#"

9.3 $1, $2, ..., $N - Argument Values:

$1, $2, and so on, represent the individual arguments passed to the script.


# If the script is run as ./ arg1 arg2 arg3
echo "First argument: $1"
echo "Second argument: $2"

9.4 $ and $@ - All Arguments:*

$* and $@ represent all arguments passed to the script. They are often used inside double quotes to preserve arguments containing spaces.


# If the script is run as ./ arg1 arg2 arg3
echo "First argument: $1"
echo "Second argument: $2"

9.5 $? - Exit Status of the Last Command:

$? holds the exit status of the most recently executed command. A value of 0 typically indicates success, while non-zero values indicate an error.


# Run a command that succeeds
ls /tmp
echo "Exit status of ls: $?"

# Run a command that fails
ls /nonexistent
echo "Exit status of ls: $?"

9.6 $$ - Process ID (PID):

$$ contains the process ID (PID) of the currently executing shell or script.


echo "Script PID: $$"

9.7 $! - Background Process ID (PID):

$! stores the PID of the last background process started in the script.


# Start a background process
sleep 10 &
echo "Background process PID: $!"

These special positional parameters are essential for scripting tasks as they provide information about the script's environment, arguments, and the success or failure of commands. They help you make decisions and handle various scenarios within your shell scripts.

Advanced shell programming allows you to create robust and flexible scripts that can handle complex tasks and process data effectively. By combining these advanced concepts with basic shell programming, you can automate a wide range of tasks on Unix-like systems.


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