Apache Mesos vs Google Kubernetes: Key Differences Explained

Explore the core differences between Apache Mesos and Google Kubernetes, focusing on container orchestration, scalability, and use cases.
EdToks10:18 min read

Apache Mesos and Google Kubernetes are both platforms designed for managing distributed systems and containerized workloads, but they have fundamental differences in design philosophy, architecture, and use cases. Here’s a detailed comparison between Apache Mesos and Google Kubernetes:

1. Purpose and Origin

Apache Mesos:

  • Origin: Developed at the University of California, Berkeley, and open-sourced by Apache.
  • Purpose: Mesos is a distributed systems kernel that can abstract CPU, memory, storage, and other resources across an entire data center. It allows multiple types of distributed applications (like Hadoop, Spark, and container orchestrators like Marathon) to run in a cluster. It's designed to run both containers and non-containerized workloads.
  • Primary Focus: Mesos is more of a general-purpose resource manager, and not solely focused on containers. It can orchestrate various distributed frameworks and workloads beyond containers, such as Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, and databases.

Google Kubernetes:

  • Origin: Developed by Google, based on lessons learned from Google's internal cluster manager (Borg), and open-sourced in 2014.
  • Purpose: Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform designed specifically for managing containerized applications. It automates the deployment, scaling, and operation of application containers.
  • Primary Focus: Kubernetes is container-centric, focused on managing containerized applications using Docker or other container runtimes. It’s built around the concept of managing microservices and cloud-native applications.

2. Architecture

Apache Mesos:

  • Two-Level Scheduling: Mesos uses a two-level scheduling architecture. At the first level, Mesos offers available resources to different frameworks (e.g., Marathon, Hadoop, Spark). At the second level, each framework makes its own scheduling decisions about which resources to accept and how to use them.
    • Mesos Master: Central controller that handles resource allocation and offers resources to frameworks.
    • Mesos Agent (formerly Slave): Executes tasks as per the requests of the framework's scheduler.
  • Frameworks: Mesos works by running frameworks, each of which can manage a specific type of workload (e.g., Marathon for long-running services or Chronos for scheduled tasks).


  • Single-Level Scheduling: Kubernetes uses a more centralized approach. The Kubernetes scheduler determines where pods (container workloads) should run based on resource requirements, constraints, and available resources in the cluster.
    • Master (Control Plane): Contains the API server, controller manager, and scheduler, which manage the overall state of the cluster.
    • Nodes (Workers): Each node runs pods, and the kubelet on each node ensures that the containers are running and healthy.
  • Pods: Kubernetes abstracts containers into pods, which are the smallest deployable units. A pod may consist of one or more containers and represents an instance of a running process in the cluster.

3. Resource Management

Apache Mesos:

  • General Resource Management: Mesos is more general-purpose. It allows you to run containers (via Marathon or other frameworks), but also other non-containerized workloads like Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, and databases. It is designed to manage any distributed systems workloads across multiple machines.
  • Framework-Based Approach: Workloads are managed by frameworks, which communicate with the Mesos master to request resources. Each framework has its own scheduler that makes decisions about resource allocation.


  • Container-Centric Resource Management: Kubernetes focuses on managing containers across a cluster. It natively understands containers (especially Docker) and provides strong abstractions around containers (pods, services, volumes).
  • Pod Scheduling: Kubernetes automatically schedules pods based on CPU, memory, and other resource needs, ensuring optimal placement across nodes.

4. Workload Types

Apache Mesos:

  • Supports Mixed Workloads: Mesos is built to support a wide variety of workloads, from big data frameworks (Hadoop, Spark) to microservices (via Marathon). Mesos is not just for containers; it can run both containerized and non-containerized applications on the same infrastructure.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Mesos offers flexible scheduling for different types of workloads. For example, it can run long-running services, batch jobs, or scheduled tasks, with each framework responsible for its own scheduling decisions.


  • Focused on Containers: Kubernetes is designed around containers and is best suited for microservices, cloud-native applications, and stateless workloads. It provides a container-first approach and a rich ecosystem of tools around container management.
  • Pod-Centric: Kubernetes treats workloads as pods, typically representing microservices that can easily scale and restart.

5. Ease of Use

Apache Mesos:

  • Complexity: Mesos is more complex to set up and configure, primarily because it is a lower-level framework that requires additional services like Marathon, Chronos, or Aurora for container orchestration and task scheduling. The learning curve for Mesos can be steeper, especially for smaller teams or projects.
  • Customization: Offers more flexibility but requires deep knowledge to build and manage a full orchestration environment.


  • Ease of Use: Kubernetes has a steeper initial learning curve, but once understood, it provides an out-of-the-box container orchestration solution. Kubernetes also has a strong ecosystem with built-in features like load balancing, auto-scaling, and service discovery.
  • Managed Services: Kubernetes is widely available as a managed service through cloud providers like Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Amazon EKS, and Azure AKS, which significantly simplifies the setup and management of clusters.

6. Networking

Apache Mesos:

  • Mesos Network Isolation: Mesos provides basic networking for containerized workloads, but to achieve more advanced networking (such as multi-tenancy, network segmentation, or service discovery), additional frameworks or external solutions may be required.
  • Framework-Specific Networking: Networking solutions may vary depending on the framework being used (e.g., Marathon or Chronos).


  • Container Networking Interface (CNI): Kubernetes has a more advanced and flexible networking model using CNI plugins like Calico, Flannel, and Weave. Kubernetes ensures that every pod has its own IP address and supports features like network policies, service discovery, and load balancing out of the box.
  • Service Discovery: Kubernetes provides native DNS-based service discovery and built-in load balancing between pods.

7. Scalability

Apache Mesos:

  • Highly Scalable: Mesos is highly scalable and used by companies like Twitter, Uber, and Apple to manage tens of thousands of nodes and a wide range of different workloads. Mesos excels in large-scale, multi-framework environments.
  • Best for Large Enterprises: Mesos is better suited for large enterprises with complex workloads, where a wide variety of distributed systems (e.g., Hadoop, Spark, Cassandra) need to run in the same infrastructure.


  • Highly Scalable: Kubernetes is also highly scalable and designed to run at the scale of modern cloud-native applications. Kubernetes clusters can easily be scaled up or down by adding or removing nodes, and it natively supports auto-scaling.
  • Best for Containerized Workloads: Kubernetes is ideal for scaling microservices-based applications in containers and is highly suited for cloud-native environments.

8. Use Cases

Apache Mesos:

  • General-Purpose Workload Manager: Ideal for environments where you need to manage different types of workloads — not just containers but also big data workloads (Hadoop, Spark), real-time processing (Kafka), and more. It's particularly well-suited for mixed workloads in large enterprise environments.
  • Supports Non-Containerized Workloads: Mesos is useful if you need to run both containerized and non-containerized workloads.


  • Container-Orchestration Platform: Kubernetes is the de-facto standard for managing containerized applications, especially for cloud-native architectures and microservices.
  • Best for Containerized Microservices: Kubernetes is the go-to platform for orchestrating containers at scale, providing out-of-the-box support for application lifecycle management, scaling, load balancing, and fault tolerance.

9. Community and Ecosystem

Apache Mesos:

  • Smaller Ecosystem: Mesos has a smaller ecosystem compared to Kubernetes. There are fewer tools and integrations specifically built around Mesos, and its community is not as large or fast-growing as Kubernetes.
  • Enterprise Adoption: Mesos is primarily used by large enterprises that need flexibility in managing diverse workloads across large data centers.


  • Large Ecosystem: Kubernetes has a huge and rapidly growing ecosystem with a wide range of tools (Helm, Istio, Prometheus) and strong community support. Kubernetes is supported by all major cloud providers (AWS, Azure, GCP) and has become the standard for container orchestration.
  • Cloud-Native Focus: Kubernetes is at the center of the cloud-native movement, and its ecosystem includes service meshes, CI/CD tools, monitoring systems, and storage solutions.

10. Summary of Key Differences

Feature Apache Mesos Kubernetes
Purpose General resource management, supporting mixed workloads Container orchestration and microservices management
Workload Support Containers, big data (Hadoop, Spark), non-containerized Containerized applications
Scheduling Two-level scheduling, with frameworks managing their own workloads Centralized scheduling for pods
Networking Basic networking with framework-specific enhancements Advanced networking with CNI plugins and service discovery
Scaling Highly scalable for various workload types Highly scalable for containerized applications
Complexity More complex, especially for non-containerized workloads Easier for containerized applications, with a rich ecosystem
Community and Ecosystem Smaller, mostly large enterprises Large, vibrant, and fast-growing ecosystem

Which One Should You Use?

  • Apache Mesos:

    • Choose Mesos if you need a general-purpose resource manager for running mixed workloads (containers, big data, non-containerized applications).
    • Ideal for large enterprises that need to manage different frameworks and workloads in a single environment.
  • Kubernetes:

    • Choose Kubernetes if you're focused on container orchestration and managing microservices.
    • It’s ideal for cloud-native, microservices-based architectures where containerization is key.

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