Unix Shell Redirecting and Piping

Master shell redirecting and piping in Unix/Linux. Our comprehensive guide covers the '>', '>>', ' <', '|', and more, with practical examples for efficient command-line operations
Edtoks3:30 min read

Shell redirection and piping are powerful features in Unix-like operating systems that allow you to control input and output streams of commands and manipulate data flows within and between processes. Here, I'll provide detailed explanations and examples for shell redirection and piping, as well as directing from/to standard input (stdin), standard output (stdout), and standard error (stderr).

Shell Redirection:

1. > (Output Redirection - Overwrite):

The > symbol is used to redirect the standard output of a command to a file. If the file exists, its contents are overwritten.


echo "Hello, World!" > output.txt

2. >> (Output Redirection - Append):

The >> symbol is used to redirect the standard output of a command to a file. If the file exists, new content is appended to the existing content.


echo "Line 1" >> file.txt
echo "Line 2" >> file.txt

3. < (Input Redirection):

The < symbol is used to redirect the standard input of a command from a file instead of the keyboard.


# Read input from file.txt instead of the keyboard
cat < file.txt

4. << (Here Document):

The << symbol is used to create a "here document," which is a way to include multiple lines of input directly within a script or command.


cat << EOF
This is line 1.
This is line 2.

Piping (|):

The | symbol is used to connect the standard output of one command to the standard input of another command, creating a data pipeline.


# List files in the current directory and count the number of files
ls | wc -l

Redirecting stdin, stdout, and stderr:

1. Redirecting Standard Output (stdout) to a File:

You can redirect stdout to a file using > or >>. To redirect both stdout and stderr to a file, use 2>&1.


# Redirect stdout to a file
ls > list.txt

Redirect stdout and stderr to a file

ls &> output.txt

2. Redirecting Standard Input (stdin) from a File:

You can redirect stdin from a file using <.


# Read input from input.txt

cat < input.txt

3. Redirecting Standard Error (stderr) to a File:

You can redirect stderr to a file using 2>.


# Redirect stderr to error.txt

command_that_generates_errors 2> error.txt

4. Redirecting stdout and stderr to Different Files:

You can redirect stdout and stderr to different files using 1> for stdout and 2> for stderr.


# Redirect stdout to out.txt and stderr to err.txt

command 1> out.txt 2> err.txt

5. Redirecting stdout and stderr to the Same File:

You can redirect both stdout and stderr to the same file using >. This will overwrite the file if it exists.


# Redirect both stdout and stderr to log.txt (overwrite)

command > log.txt 2>&1

Shell redirection and piping are fundamental concepts for managing input and output streams in Unix-like systems. They allow you to manipulate data flow, capture output, and handle errors effectively in your shell scripts and command-line operations.

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