Series: Go

Defer Keyword in Golang

Explore the power of the defer Golang. Our guide covers its syntax, use cases, and practical examples for effective Go programming with deferred functions
Edtoks6:21 min read


In Go, the defer statement is a powerful and unique feature that allows developers to schedule a function call to be executed after the surrounding function returns. This mechanism is particularly useful for tasks such as cleanup operations, resource deallocation, and ensuring that certain actions occur regardless of how a function exits—whether it's through normal execution, a return statement, or a panic.

Basic Usage

Let's start with a basic example to illustrate the fundamental concept of defer. In this scenario, we'll use defer to ensure that a cleanup function is executed before the enclosing function returns.

package main

import "fmt"

func cleanup() {
	fmt.Println("Cleanup function executed")

func main() {
	defer cleanup()

	// Rest of the main function
	fmt.Println("Main function")

	// The cleanup function will be executed before main returns

In this example, cleanup is scheduled to run using defer immediately after the main function finishes its execution. This guarantees that cleanup will be called, providing a simple way to handle cleanup tasks.

Deferring Multiple Functions

One of the advantages of defer is its ability to handle multiple deferred functions in a last-in, first-out (LIFO) order. This means that the functions are executed in reverse order of their deferral.

package main

import "fmt"

func cleanup1() {
	fmt.Println("Cleanup 1 executed")

func cleanup2() {
	fmt.Println("Cleanup 2 executed")

func main() {
	defer cleanup1()
	defer cleanup2()

	// Rest of the main function
	fmt.Println("Main function")

	// Cleanup 2 will be executed before Cleanup 1

In this example, cleanup1 and cleanup2 are both deferred, but cleanup2 will be executed first because it was deferred later in the code. Understanding this order is crucial when dealing with resource cleanup and dependency management.

Using Defer with Arguments

defer is not limited to functions with no arguments. You can also use it with functions that take arguments. However, keep in mind that the arguments are evaluated when the defer statement is encountered, not when the function is actually executed.

package main

import "fmt"

func logMessage(message string) {
	fmt.Println("Logging:", message)

func main() {
	message := "Deferred message"
	defer logMessage(message)

	// Modify the value of message
	message = "Updated message"

	// The deferred logMessage will use the original value of message
	// because its arguments are evaluated when the defer statement is encountered
	fmt.Println("Main function")

In this example, even though we modify the value of message after the defer statement, the deferred function uses the original value. Understanding when the arguments are evaluated is crucial to avoid unexpected behavior.

Defer with Named Return Values

Defer can be particularly useful when working with functions that have named return values. Named return values are initialized with their zero values, and deferred functions can modify these values. Understanding this behavior is crucial for writing clear and maintainable code.

package main

import "fmt"

func process() (result int) {
	defer func() {
		result *= 2

	result = 42
	return result

func main() {
	value := process()
	fmt.Println("Processed value:", value)

In this example, the defer function modifies the named return value result before it's actually returned. The final processed value will be 42 * 2, showcasing the power of defer in manipulating return values.

Deferred methods

In Go, the defer statement can also be used with methods, not just standalone functions. When a method is deferred, it is scheduled to execute just before the surrounding function returns. This can be particularly useful for tasks like releasing resources, logging, or ensuring certain actions are taken upon function exit.

Let's explore practical examples of using defer with methods:

Resource Cleanup

package main

import "fmt"

type ResourceManager struct {
	ResourceName string

func (r *ResourceManager) Close() {
	fmt.Printf("Closing resource: %s\n", r.ResourceName)
	// Actual resource cleanup logic

func main() {
	resource := &ResourceManager{ResourceName: "Database Connection"}
	defer resource.Close()

	// Rest of the main function

	fmt.Println("Main function")
	// The Close method will be executed just before main returns

In this example, the Close method of the ResourceManager type is deferred. This ensures that the resource cleanup logic is executed before the main function returns, regardless of how it exits.


package main

import "fmt"

type Logger struct {
	Logs []string

func (l *Logger) Log(message string) {
	fmt.Println("Logging:", message)
	l.Logs = append(l.Logs, message)

func main() {
	logger := &Logger{}
	defer logger.Log("End of Execution")

	// Rest of the main function

	fmt.Println("Main function")
	// The Log method will be executed just before main returns

Here, the Log method of the Logger type is deferred to log a message at the end of the execution. This can be useful for tracking the flow of the program or recording important events.

Execution Time Measurement

package main

import (

func main() {
	start := time.Now()
	defer func() {
		fmt.Printf("Time taken: %v\n", time.Since(start))

	// Rest of the main function

	fmt.Println("Main function")
	// The deferred function will measure and print the time taken just before main returns

In this example, a deferred function is used to measure and print the time taken for the execution of the main function. This is a simple way to profile the performance of a specific block of code.

Panic Recovery

package main

import "fmt"

func recoverFromPanic() {
	if r := recover(); r != nil {
		fmt.Println("Recovered from panic:", r)
		// Additional recovery logic can be added here

func main() {
	defer recoverFromPanic()

	// Simulating a panic scenario
	panic("This is a panic!")

	// This line will not be reached due to the panic, and the recover function will handle it
	fmt.Println("Main function")

In this example, a deferred function is used to recover from a panic. The recoverFromPanic function is deferred, and it will handle any panics that occur within the main function.

Using defer with methods in Go adds another layer of flexibility and control to your code. It allows you to structure your cleanup and recovery logic in a way that ensures certain tasks are performed just before a function exits. Whether it's resource cleanup, logging, or recovery from panics, defer with methods provides a clean and efficient mechanism for these scenarios.


The defer statement in Go is a versatile tool that provides a clean and efficient way to manage resource cleanup, handle panics, and modify return values. It introduces a distinctive way of thinking about the execution flow of a function, making code more readable and maintainable. As you delve deeper into Go programming, mastering defer and understanding its nuances will empower you to write more robust and elegant code. Happy deferring!