Series: Go

Interfaces in Go

Dive into the world of interfaces in Go programming. Our guide covers interface syntax, implementation, and practical examples for effective Go programming.
Edtoks•21:32 min read

Interfaces play a fundamental role in the Go programming language, enabling a flexible and powerful mechanism for polymorphism and abstraction. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the concept of interfaces in Go, covering everything from the basics to advanced usage. Whether you're a beginner looking to understand the fundamentals or an experienced Go developer seeking insights into more complex scenarios, this guide has you covered.

1. Introduction to Interfaces

1.1 What are Interfaces?

In Go, an interface is a type that specifies a set of method signatures. A type implicitly satisfies an interface if it implements all the methods declared by that interface. Unlike many object-oriented languages, Go interfaces are satisfied implicitly, and there's no need to explicitly declare that a type implements an interface.

// Example of a simple interface
type Logger interface {
    Log(message string)

In this example, Logger is an interface with a single method Log. Any type that has a method with the same signature automatically satisfies the Logger interface.

1.2 Why Use Interfaces?

Interfaces in Go promote loose coupling between different parts of a program. They allow you to write more flexible and reusable code by focusing on what a type can do (its behavior) rather than what it is (its specific implementation). This makes it easier to extend and maintain code over time.

1.3 Declaring Interfaces in Go

An interface is declared using the type keyword, followed by the interface name and the set of method signatures:

type Writer interface {
    Write(data []byte) (int, error)

Here, Writer is an interface with a single method Write that takes a slice of bytes and returns the number of bytes written and an error.

2. Basic Interface Usage

2.1 Implementing Interfaces

Implementing interfaces in Go involves creating a type that satisfies the method signatures declared by the interface. Let's walk through an example to illustrate how this is done.

Suppose we have the following interface:

package main
import "fmt"
// Writer interface

type Writer interface {

Write(data []byte) (int, error)


This Writer interface declares a method Write that takes a slice of bytes and returns the number of bytes written along with an error.

Now, let's implement this interface with a custom type:

package main
import "fmt"

import "os"
// Writer interface

type Writer interface {

Write(data []byte) (int, error)

// FileWriter type implementing the Writer interface

type FileWriter struct {

FileName string

// Additional fields...

// Write method for FileWriter

func (fw FileWriter) Write(data []byte) (int, error) {

file, err := os.OpenFile(fw.FileName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0644)

if err != nil {

fmt.Println("Error opening file: %s", err)

return 0, err


_, err = file.Write(data)

if err != nil {

fmt.Println("Error writing to file: %s", err)

return 0, err


return len(data), nil

func main() {

// Creating an instance of FileWriter

fileWriter := FileWriter{FileName: "example.txt"}
// Using the Write method through the Writer interface
var myWriter Writer
myWriter = fileWriter

// Writing data using the Write method
bytesWritten, err := myWriter.Write([]byte("Hello, Go!"))
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println("Error:", err)

fmt.Printf("Bytes written: %d\n", bytesWritten)

In this example:

  1. We declare the Writer interface with the Write method.

  2. We create a custom type FileWriter with a field FileName and implement the Write method for this type.

  3. In the main function, we create an instance of FileWriter and assign it to the Writer interface.

  4. We use the Write method through the Writer interface to write data, allowing us to treat fileWriter polymorphically.

This demonstrates how Go supports implicit interface satisfaction; as long as a type has methods with the same signatures as those declared in the interface, it implicitly satisfies the interface. This flexibility and simplicity are key aspects of Go's interface system.

2.2 Interface Values

In Go, an interface value is a tuple of a value and a concrete type. The value part holds the actual value, and the type part holds the dynamic type of that value. This allows you to use a single interface type to represent various types at runtime. Let's explore how interface values work in Go through an example:

package main
import "fmt"
// Stringify interface with a single method String

type Stringify interface {

String() string

// Person struct implementing Stringify

type Person struct {

Name string

Age  int

// String method for Person

func (p Person) String() string {

return fmt.Sprintf("Person{Name: %s, Age: %d}", p.Name, p.Age)

// Book struct implementing Stringify

type Book struct {

Title  string

Author string

// String method for Book

func (b Book) String() string {

return fmt.Sprintf("Book{Title: %s, Author: %s}", b.Title, b.Author)

func main() {

// Creating instances of Person and Book

person := Person{Name: "John Doe", Age: 30}

book := Book{Title: "The Go Programming Language", Author: "Alan A. A. Donovan"}
// Using the Stringify interface for polymorphism
var stringifier Stringify

// Assigning a Person instance to Stringify
stringifier = person
fmt.Println("Person as String:", stringifier.String())

// Assigning a Book instance to Stringify
stringifier = book
fmt.Println("Book as String:", stringifier.String())

In this example:

  • We define the Stringify interface with a single method String that returns a string representation.

  • We create two types, Person and Book, each implementing the Stringify interface by providing their own String method.

  • In the main function, we create instances of Person and Book.

  • We use the Stringify interface to assign instances of Person and Book to the same variable stringifier, demonstrating polymorphism.

  • The String method of the appropriate type is called dynamically based on the actual value.


Person as String: Person{Name: John Doe, Age: 30} 
Book as String: Book{Title: The Go Programming Language, Author: Alan A. A. Donovan}

This illustrates how interface values in Go allow you to work with objects of different types through a common interface, enabling polymorphic behavior and making code more flexible and reusable.

2.3 Empty Interfaces

An empty interface in Go, denoted as interface{}, is an interface with zero methods. Because it has no methods, values of any type satisfy the empty interface. This makes it a powerful and flexible way to represent any data type. However, since it provides no guarantees about the methods a value might have, it is often referred to as the "empty" or "blank" interface.

Here's an example demonstrating the use of an empty interface:

package main
import "fmt"
// PrintAnyType takes an empty interface as an argument

// and prints the type and value of the provided argument.

func PrintAnyType(value interface{}) {

fmt.Printf("Type: %T, Value: %v\n", value, value)

func main() {

// Using an empty interface to accept values of different types


PrintAnyType("Hello, Go!")


PrintAnyType([]int{1, 2, 3})

PrintAnyType(map[string]int{"a": 1, "b": 2})
// Creating a variable of type empty interface
var anyValue interface{}
anyValue = true
fmt.Printf("Type: %T, Value: %v\n", anyValue, anyValue)

In this example:

  • The function PrintAnyType takes an empty interface as a parameter and prints the type and value of the provided argument.

  • The main function demonstrates using PrintAnyType with values of different types, such as integers, strings, floats, slices, and maps.

  • A variable anyValue of type empty interface is declared and assigned a boolean value.


Type: int, Value: 42

Type: string, Value: Hello, Go!

Type: float64, Value: 3.14

Type: []int, Value: [1 2 3]

Type: map[string]int, Value: map[a:1 b:2]

Type: bool, Value: true

As shown, the empty interface allows us to work with values of different types, providing a degree of flexibility. However, when using empty interfaces, it's essential to perform type assertions or type switches to safely access the underlying value's properties or methods.

3. Interface Composition

3.1 Composing Interfaces

In Go, you can compose interfaces by combining multiple interfaces to form a new one. This is known as interface composition. This allows you to build larger, more specific interfaces from smaller, more general ones. Let's look at an example to understand interface composition:

package main
import "fmt"
// Reader interface

type Reader interface {

Read() string

// Writer interface

type Writer interface {

Write(data string)

// Closer interface

type Closer interface {


// ReadWriteCloser interface composed of Reader, Writer, and Closer

type ReadWriteCloser interface {




// File type implementing ReadWriteCloser

type File struct {

Name string

// Other file-related fields...

// Read method for File

func (f File) Read() string {

return fmt.Sprintf("Reading from file %s", f.Name)

// Write method for File

func (f File) Write(data string) {

fmt.Printf("Writing to file %s: %s\n", f.Name, data)

// Close method for File

func (f File) Close() {

fmt.Printf("Closing file %s\n", f.Name)

func main() {

// Creating an instance of File

file := File{Name: "example.txt"}
// Using the ReadWriteCloser interface for polymorphism
var fileOpener ReadWriteCloser
fileOpener = file

// Using methods from the composed interface
fileOpener.Write("Hello, Go!")

In this example:

  • We define three interfaces: Reader, Writer, and Closer.

  • We create a new interface, ReadWriteCloser, by composing the Reader, Writer, and Closer interfaces.

  • The File type implements the ReadWriteCloser interface by providing methods for Read, Write, and Close.

  • In the main function, we create an instance of File and use it polymorphically through the ReadWriteCloser interface.


Reading from file example.txt

Writing to file example.txt: Hello, Go!

Closing file example.txt

This composition approach is beneficial for creating modular and reusable code. It allows you to define smaller, focused interfaces and then compose them into larger interfaces based on specific needs. This way, you can design interfaces that are clear, concise, and easily extensible.

3.2 Interface Embedding

Go supports a form of implicit interface composition through struct embedding. A struct type implicitly satisfies an interface if it contains all the methods required by that interface. Let's see an example:

package main
import (


// Stringer interface

type Stringer interface {

String() string

// Person struct

type Person struct {

Name string

// String method for Person

func (p Person) String() string {

return "Person: " + p.Name

// Employee struct embedding Person

type Employee struct {


EmployeeID int

func main() {

// Creating an Employee instance

employee := Employee{Person: Person{Name: "John"}, EmployeeID: 123}
// Implicitly using the String method from Person

In this example, the Employee struct implicitly satisfies the Stringer interface because it embeds the Person struct, which has a String method.

4. Type Assertion and Type Switch

4.1 Type Assertion

Type assertion in Go is a way to extract the underlying concrete value from an interface variable. It allows you to check and convert the type of an interface to its underlying type. If the underlying type matches the asserted type, the assertion is successful, and you can access the concrete value.

It has two forms: value, ok := x.(T) and value := x.(T). The first form returns a boolean (ok) indicating whether the assertion was successful, while the second form panics if the assertion fails.

Here's an example illustrating type assertion:

package main
import "fmt"
func main() {

// Creating an interface variable with a dynamic type

var myInterface interface{} = "Hello, Go!"
// Type assertion to check if the underlying type is string
if stringValue, ok := myInterface.(string); ok {
	// Assertion successful, accessing the concrete value
	fmt.Println("String value:", stringValue)
} else {
	// Assertion failed
	fmt.Println("Not a string")

// Another type assertion to check if the underlying type is int
if intValue, ok := myInterface.(int); ok {
	// Assertion successful (won't be executed in this example)
	fmt.Println("Int value:", intValue)
} else {
	// Assertion failed
	fmt.Println("Not an int")

In this example:

  • We have an interface variable myInterface containing the string value "Hello, Go!".

  • We use a type assertion to check if the underlying type of myInterface is a string (myInterface.(string)). If the assertion is successful, we access the concrete value as stringValue.

  • We then attempt another type assertion to check if the underlying type is an int (myInterface.(int)). Since the underlying type is a string, this assertion will fail.


String value: Hello, Go!

Not an int

Key points:

  • The syntax for type assertion is value, ok := myInterface.(Type), where ok is a boolean indicating whether the assertion was successful.

  • If the assertion is successful, value holds the concrete value, and ok is true. Otherwise, value is the zero value of the asserted type, and ok is false.

  • It's essential to check the result of the type assertion using the boolean variable ok to avoid panics if the assertion fails.

Type assertions are commonly used when working with interface values, especially in scenarios where you need to work with the concrete types that implement an interface.

4.2 Type Switch

A type switch is a control structure in Go that provides a more convenient way to perform type assertions on an interface value. It allows you to test a value against multiple types and execute different code blocks based on the type of the value. Type switches are particularly useful when dealing with interface values that may have different underlying types.

Here's an example of a type switch in Go:

package main
import "fmt"
func checkType(myInterface interface{}) {

switch value := myInterface.(type) {

case string:

fmt.Println("It's a string:", value)

case int:

fmt.Println("It's an int:", value)

case float64:

fmt.Println("It's a float64:", value)


fmt.Println("Unknown type")


func main() {

// Example 1: Type switch with a string

checkType("Hello, Go!")
// Example 2: Type switch with an int

// Example 3: Type switch with a float64

// Example 4: Type switch with an unknown type

In this example:

  • The checkType function takes an interface parameter and uses a type switch to check its type.

  • Inside the type switch, the case statements specify the types we want to check (string, int, and float64), and if the assertion is successful, the associated block is executed.

  • The default case is executed if none of the specified types matches.


It's a string: Hello, Go!

It's an int: 42

It's a float64: 3.14

Unknown type

Key points about type switches:

  • The syntax of a type switch is switch value := myInterface.(type).

  • Inside the switch block, you use case statements with the keyword type to specify the types you want to check.

  • The value variable is scoped to the switch block and holds the concrete value if the assertion is successful.

  • Type switches provide a concise and expressive way to handle multiple types in a switch statement.

Type switches are especially useful when dealing with code that needs to handle various types dynamically, such as when working with generic interfaces or unknown data structures.

5. Interfaces and Polymorphism

5.1 Polymorphism in Go

Polymorphism is the ability of a single interface to represent multiple concrete types. In Go, interfaces achieve polymorphism by allowing multiple types to implement the same set of methods.

5.2 Using Interfaces for Polymorphism

Consider a scenario where we have a Shape interface representing any geometric shape:

package main
import (



// Shape interface representing any geometric shape

type Shape interface {

Area() float64

// Circle type implementing Shape interface

type Circle struct {

Radius float64

// Area method for Circle

func (c Circle) Area() float64 {

return math.Pi * c.Radius * c.Radius

// Rectangle type implementing Shape interface

type Rectangle struct {

Width  float64

Height float64

// Area method for Rectangle

func (r Rectangle) Area() float64 {

return r.Width * r.Height

func main() {

// Creating instances of Circle and Rectangle

circle := Circle{Radius: 5}

rectangle := Rectangle{Width: 4, Height: 6}
// Calculating areas using the Shape interface
shapes := []Shape{circle, rectangle}

for _, shape := range shapes {
	fmt.Printf("Area of shape: %.2f\n", shape.Area())

Here, both Circle and Rectangle implement the Shape interface by providing their own Area method.

6. Advanced Interface Patterns

6.1 Interface Satisfaction Rules

Understanding the rules for interface satisfaction is crucial. A type implicitly satisfies an interface if it implements all the methods declared by that interface. However, the type doesn't need to explicitly declare that it implements the interface.

package main
import "fmt"
// Stringer interface

type Stringer interface {

String() string

// CustomString type implementing Stringer interface

type CustomString string
// String method for CustomString

func (cs CustomString) String() string {

return string(cs)

func main() {

// Creating an instance of CustomString

customStr := CustomString("Hello, Interface!")
// Implicitly satisfies Stringer interface
var strInterface Stringer = customStr

// Using the String method through the Stringer interface

In this example, CustomString implicitly satisfies the Stringer interface because it has a String method.

6.2 Interface Conventions

Effective use of interfaces involves following certain conventions. Interface names in Go often end with the -er suffix to convey their role as behavior providers. For example, Reader, Writer, and Stringer follow this convention.

6.3 The io.Reader and io.Writer Interfaces

The io.Reader and io.Writer interfaces from the standard library are powerful examples of interface design. They provide a common way to read and write data, allowing various types to seamlessly integrate with standard I/O operations.

package main
import (




func main() {

// Creating a strings.Reader implementing io.Reader

reader := strings.NewReader("Hello, Go!")
// Creating a buffer for io.Writer
var writerBuffer strings.Builder

// Using io.Copy to copy from reader to writer
bytesCopied, err := io.Copy(&writerBuffer, reader)
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println("Error:", err)

fmt.Printf("Bytes copied: %d\n", bytesCopied)
fmt.Println("Content in buffer:", writerBuffer.String())

In this example, we use the io.Reader and io.Writer interfaces from the standard library to copy content from a strings.Reader to a buffer.

7. Design Guidelines and Best Practices

7.1 Favor Small Interfaces

When designing interfaces, it's generally recommended to favor small, focused interfaces. A small interface is more likely to be satisfied by various types, promoting flexibility and code reuse.

7.2 Naming Conventions

Follow naming conventions for interfaces to make your code more readable and idiomatic. Descriptive names help convey the purpose of the interface and how it should be used.

7.3 Interface Documentation

Properly document your interfaces to provide clear guidance on how they should be implemented. Documentation helps users understand the expected behavior and use cases.

8. Real-world Examples

8.1 Database Abstraction with Interfaces

Consider a simple database abstraction layer using interfaces. We define a Database interface with methods for querying and updating data:

package main
import (


// Database interface for querying and updating data

type Database interface {

Query(query string) (string, error)

Update(query string, data string) error

// MySQLDatabase type implementing Database interface

type MySQLDatabase struct {

// MySQL-specific fields...

// Query method for MySQLDatabase

func (db *MySQLDatabase) Query(query string) (string, error) {

// MySQL-specific implementation...

return "Result from MySQL", nil

// Update method for MySQLDatabase

func (db *MySQLDatabase) Update(query string, data string) error {

// MySQL-specific implementation...

fmt.Printf("Updating data in MySQL: %s\n", data)

return nil

func main() {

// Creating an instance of MySQLDatabase

mysqlDB := &MySQLDatabase{}
// Using the Database interface for querying
result, err := mysqlDB.Query("SELECT * FROM users")
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println("Error:", err)

fmt.Println("Query result:", result)

// Using the Database interface for updating
err = mysqlDB.Update("UPDATE users SET name = 'NewName' WHERE id = 1", "UpdatedData")
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println("Error:", err)

In this example, the Database interface provides a common set of methods for querying and updating data. The MySQLDatabase type implements this interface, allowing for interchangeable use of different database implementations.

8.2 HTTP Server Middleware

Interfaces are commonly used in the implementation of HTTP server middleware. Consider a simple middleware interface:

package main
import (



// Middleware interface for handling HTTP requests

type Middleware interface {

ServeHTTP(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, http.HandlerFunc)

// LoggingMiddleware type implementing Middleware interface

type LoggingMiddleware struct {

// Logging-specific fields...

// ServeHTTP method for LoggingMiddleware

func (lm LoggingMiddleware) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc) {

// Logging logic before handling the request

fmt.Println("Logging: Request received -", r.Method, r.URL.Path)
// Passing control to the next middleware or handler
next(w, r)

// Logging logic after handling the request
fmt.Println("Logging: Request completed -", r.Method, r.URL.Path)
// Example handler function

func helloHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

fmt.Fprintln(w, "Hello, Go!")

func main() {

// Creating an instance of LoggingMiddleware

loggingMiddleware := LoggingMiddleware{}
// Creating a simple HTTP server with middleware
http.Handle("/", loggingMiddleware.ServeHTTP(http.ResponseWriter(nil), nil, helloHandler))

// Starting the server
fmt.Println("Server listening on :8080")
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

In this example, the Middleware interface defines a method for handling HTTP requests. The LoggingMiddleware type implements this interface, allowing it to log information before and after handling the request. The middleware is then used in conjunction with a simple HTTP handler to demonstrate the concept of middleware in an HTTP server.

9. Conclusion

9.1 Summary

In this comprehensive guide, we covered the fundamentals of interfaces in Go, from basic usage to advanced patterns. Interfaces in Go promote flexibility, maintainability, and code reuse by allowing types to be polymorphic based on behavior.

9.2 Next Steps

As you continue your journey with Go, explore the rich ecosystem of libraries and frameworks that leverage interfaces. Dive into projects like the standard library's io package, web frameworks, and more to see how interfaces are used in real-world scenarios.

Interfaces are a powerful tool in the Go programming language, and mastering their use will enhance your ability to write clean, flexible, and maintainable code. Happy coding!