Series: Go

Goroutine vs Function call

Dive into the comparison of Goroutines and Function Calls in Go. Our guide explains the differences, benefits, and insights of concurrent programming.
Edtoks3:31 min read

Goroutines and regular function calls serve different purposes in Go, and understanding their differences is crucial for effective concurrent programming. Let's explore the distinctions between goroutines and function calls:


  1. Concurrency:

    • Asynchronous Execution: Goroutines are executed asynchronously, allowing the main program to continue its execution without waiting for the goroutine to complete.

    • Independent Execution: Goroutines run independently, and the Go scheduler determines when to switch between them. This enables efficient utilization of CPU resources.

  2. Lightweight Threads:

    • Managed by Go Runtime: Goroutines are lightweight threads managed by the Go runtime. They are more efficient than traditional threads, allowing the creation of thousands of them without exhausting system resources.

  3. Communication:

    • Channels: Goroutines communicate and synchronize through channels. Channels provide a safe and efficient way for goroutines to exchange data.

  4. Concurrency Model:

    • Concurrency Without Threads: Goroutines provide a concurrency model without the need for explicit thread management. The Go runtime handles the creation, scheduling, and termination of goroutines.

  5. Independence:

    • Independent Stacks: Each goroutine has its own stack, making them independent. This reduces the likelihood of data races and simplifies concurrent programming.

Function Calls

  1. Synchronous Execution:

    • Blocking Execution: Regular function calls block the execution of the calling code until the called function completes its execution. The control flow waits for the function to return.

  2. No Concurrency by Default:

    • Sequential Execution: Function calls are executed sequentially by default. If a function takes a long time to complete, it can impact the responsiveness of the entire program.

  3. No Built-in Communication:

    • No Inherent Communication: Regular function calls do not provide built-in mechanisms for communication or data exchange between the calling code and the called function.

  4. Stack Frames:

    • Shared Stack Frames: Function calls share the same stack frame, which means they share the same execution context. Care must be taken to manage shared data and avoid race conditions.

Goroutine Example

package main

import (

func printNumbers() {
	for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ {
		time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
		fmt.Printf("%d ", i)

func main() {
	go printNumbers() // Goroutine
	time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
	fmt.Println("Main function")

In this example, printNumbers is executed concurrently as a goroutine, allowing the main function to continue its execution without waiting for printNumbers to complete.

Function Call Example

package main

import (

func printNumbers() {
	for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ {
		time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
		fmt.Printf("%d ", i)

func main() {
	printNumbers() // Function call
	fmt.Println("Main function")

In this example, printNumbers is called as a regular function, and the main function waits for it to complete before proceeding.


Goroutines and function calls serve different needs in Go programming. Goroutines are a powerful tool for achieving concurrency and parallelism, enabling asynchronous execution and efficient utilization of resources. Regular function calls, on the other hand, are synchronous and provide a straightforward way to organize and structure sequential code.

Understanding when to use goroutines and when to rely on traditional function calls depends on the requirements of the program. Goroutines are particularly useful in scenarios involving concurrency, parallelism, and responsiveness, while regular function calls are suitable for sequential execution and modular code organization.

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